
The aesthetics has a major importance in Zen Devils, and for that matter, I don't hesitate to drive far away to get to amazing places to have incredible backgrounds for the pics and videos. We sometimes have to climb walls to get into abandoned places, and sometimes we get kicked out by security guards but that's the risk of the game ! I always enter the places with full respect, never break or steal anything. I don't really believe in ghosts but I wouldn't want to disturb them either.



Have you ever feel like commenting, but not sure what to write ?
Here's your chance, write FISTBUMP !!


It's winter cold with an air pollution peak in Paris, France.
But it's sunny summer in Australia, right ?


It's friday, what's your plans for the weekend, spending it indoors or outdoors ?
Remember, don't forget :
- If it's sunny : wear the Zen Devils urban jungle hat
- If it's windy : wear the Zen Devils urban jungle hat
- If it's raining : wear the Zen Devils urban jungle hat
- If it's snowing : wear the Zen Devils urban jungle hat
- If you're staying at home : wear the Zen Devils urban jungle hat


What should be the Zen Devils backgrounds for the upcoming pics / videos ? Futuristic cities, abandoned places, strange architectures... forests ? Name at least one kind of place !


The first batch of the bullet-proof vest is sold out ! Thankfully, I've been working on making a second batch and just finished sewing it all. Get your Zen Devils bullet-proof vest at zendevils.com before the second batch gets sold out !!


"Honour may not win power, but it wins respect. And respect earns power" - Ancient samurai quote


Fighter : Shadow Shinobi
Special power : Fury of the twin dragons
Strength : Silent attacks in total darkness or at night
Weakness : Loses energy when surrounded by too many people wearing bright colors


It's getting cold in the city, but not as cold as the heart of some of our leaders.


Zen Devils clothing and accessories, to equip your whole gang.

Thanks again to psychique._ & generalkpote for this super cool photoshoot in the middle of all those rusty machines !!


Fire couple Chlojsh & X.face.jo from the UK, going full Zen Devils ðŸ”¥ðŸ’€ðŸ”¥


You may encounter some Zen Devils if you come across a dead burned out building. Dressed in black but full of life and passion.


2022, time to turn off the news, focus on yourself, explore the world even if you're not allowed to, life is too short to live in fear.


On january 1st, the outside temperature in Paris was 16° celsius and so I took my car and went for a picnic in the woods. It was nice but isn't it supposed to snow anymore ?


I took a few days off for Christmas. Did I just laze around ? No way, I went exploring abandoned hospitals with some local Zen Devils. (I ate a lot of chocolates too)


What's your new year resolution ?
Start a gym membership, go there twice and never ever again ?
Massively buy Zen Devils stuff ?
What are you starting or quitting this year ?


2022 has begun !! What do you expect from this new year ? I'm guessing a lot of political nonsense while being stuck in this endless loop since 2020. But hey, I promise to create new super cool Zen Devils designs, products and photo shoots so that life is still totally worth it despite this global situation.