
Last post of the year, bye bye 2022 !!
What's your plan for new year's eve ? Partying or spending the evening like an ordinary day ?


2022 is almost over and has been a great year for Zen Devils (3rd year !)
Yesterday, last photo shoot of the year was insane !
This was the third photo shoot of the week, gathering a team of seven people this time.
The pics and videos will follow soon !!
What are your thoughts for the year 2022 ? Good, bad, forgettable... ?


Come to the Zen Devils.
It's like a cooler tactical dark side.


I've made already two new Zen Devils photo shoots this week in new urbex locations.
The urbex place we've been today was insane and huge !
I'll make one or two more photo shoot this week.
The next one will gather a lot of people for a single Zen Devils photo shoot !
Would you also like to participate in a future Zen Devils photo shoot and meet very cool people from the techwear community ?


Merryyy Christmasss !!!
What did Santa brought you this year ??
I got some tactical gear for urbex, including a powerful flashlight which will be useful for undergrounds/caves/basements explorations, in order to avoid having blurry pics like this one.


Since I made the call for models, quite a few people from the techwear community have contacted me to be a part of the new Zen Devils photoshoot series I will be making in the next couple of weeks.
I will be making three or four photoshoots with three or four teams.
I have also explored new very cool urbex locations for these shoots !
There is still some spots available so if you are near, or want to come in the Caen / Normandy area to participate in these upcoming photoshoots, message me !!


I'm now in Normandy (Fr) until January 02 and I will be making new photoshoots !
I already have a bunch of cool new people who contacted me since I made the call for models.
So if you can make it to Normandy, near Caen from today, up until January 02, be sure to contact me, there will be cool people from the techwear community and urbex explorations !


I will be leaving tomorrow for two weeks.
All current orders will be sent tomorrow morning (december 19) at 09:00 AM, Paris time.
And I will be back on January 02 to continue to send orders daily !
In the meantime, during these two weeks, I will be making new photoshoots and I'm looking for new models in Normandy, near Caen, France. If you want to model for Zen Devils, send me a message !!


Are you facing power outages this winter ?
Just call the Zen Devils.


Christmas is already in 10 days!!
What's the craziest thing you've ever asked Santa?


How would you like to see Zen Devils in the future ? More :
- Tactical
- Darkwear
- Both


I've been sewing non-stop all week, making more Thunder Pilot Chest Bags and more Bullet-Proof Vests. And I've also been working on the future drop ! I still need to receive a few more elements to finish the next products, and a good amount of work time too !
Then new photoshoots will be needed, probably around Christmas time.
Who's available to pose for Zen Devils at the end of this month, around Paris or Normandy ?


The Thunder Pilot Chest bag is back in stock !!
After waiting months to get all the fabrics needed to make more Thunder Pilot Chest Bags which were out of stock for quite some time, I finally got all the packages I need. The main package was stuck in Poland customs for over three months !
I've spent all day (and still continuing)  making and sewing the new chest bags and I'm really glad it's available for you again !


What do you think the next Zen Devils drop will be made of ?


Christmas is in less than a month ! Did you buy christmas presents already ?
Legend says if someone truly loves you, she/he will offer you some Zen Devils stuff.


Hello, do you have a moment to talk about the ZEN DEVILS ??


How come it's black friday weekend and there's no Zen Devils discounts ?
Here are the three main reasons :
- The profits on the sales are already very low (and keep in mind that I re-invest 100% of the profits and don't pay myself)
- Some products are already, or are nearly out-of-stock
- Even if I'm always up-to-date with the orders/shipping, it's been a rush already lately (I still manage all aspects of the brand by myself !)


I'm taking a week vacation off starting today !
These last weeks have been packed with tasks and I'm glad to take a few days away in the countryside.
I'm looking forward to long nature walks and I will also put my car in for repairs.
I have a Saab 900 Turbo, from 1988. The Saab brand doesn't exist anymore as a car maker, but still makes jet fighters for the Swedish air force.
This means garages specialized in this model are now very rare !
I also haven't been able to drive it for quite some time due to the gas shortage in France...
Anyway, I will be back on friday, november 25th and will be able to send orders on monday 28th !



NEW !!
The Zen Devils - Ace Death Cards
Rush to zendevils.com to learn more about the history of these cards !
4 cards set for only 3,49 euros (free worldwide shipping!)
Need to feel boosted ? Keep a card on yourself for extra confidence.


Doesn't this outfit look fashionable to roam in that underground apocalyptic bunker ?



I got comments on other social networks stating that our kicks, punches and ninja moves aren't legit , that we're not professional boxers or martial arts masters, that we're not even real assassins !
I'm quite surprised, isn't it obvious we're here to have FUN ?
