
In which decade would you have liked to live ? Happy with the current one or would rather have lived in the 80's, in the 1700's or... ?


Sunday, fun day ! Or sad day ? What were your plans for the weekend ?


From all the people you've met in your life, how would you describe the human kind ? Good, bad or even...



Shops have the right to be open again in Paris after a long lockdown. I went out and the streets were filled with people. Way overcrowded for me. Are you confortable in overcrowded places or are you more of a misanthropic type ?


Today is World Goth Day !!
I can't deny that gothic music and lifestyle has always been an influence since I started listening to music and shop for clothes (black clothes)
So tell me, what's your favorite goth band or creepy dark music that you love ?


Who's ready to come play cyborg ninjas at the playground ?


Are you ready for prom night ?

Epic duo with and by @x.face.jo & @chlojsh
With the Zen Devils smiling flames face mask


It's the future and global warming is here because you haven't bought an electric car.
Where do you live and how deranged is the weather there ?


The Nunchucks Ninja Skull Tank Top in action !!
Watch the new video on TikTok or Instagram !!


A moment of zen is recommended in order to be focused for a later emotional kick fight.



Impossible to go further while taking these pics, that place was filled with creepy drug addicts and dealers. Isn't the world supposed to be a better place with time ?


The unisex Zen Devils - Nunchucks Ninja Skull Tank Top is here !!
Only 24,99 euros including FREE worldwide shipping.
Get ready for summer, more info and pics at ZenDevils.com !!


Remember when people used to fight over for some pasta or toilet paper at supermarkets when the first lockdown was announced ?



Not approved by your family or the people around you ? That never was the point anyway.


Mastering our thoughts isn't that easy, there are some low energy days. But low energy days means high energy days are coming !! How's your energy during this second spring of world pandemic ?


Love the dark side of fashion, music and art while still wanting ever more passion from life ? Look no further, you're in the right place.



Feel the BOOM PUNCH ?? Feel like a ticking bomb, not a wet firecracker.


From a scale of 01 to 07, how much you wish you could travel ? (without being treated like an infected zombie at the customs)


Don't have a mask ? The Zen Devils canvas bag does the job. Along with carrying all your blades and chains.


How would you like to die in the next few years ?
1 - Deadly virus
2 - Deadly vaccine
3 - Global warming
4 - Overpopulation civil wars