
Come check the latest Zen Devils video on Instagram and TikTok !!


Would you describe yourself like a Zen person or more like a Devil ? Or perhaps the perfect balance of both ?


Spring sun rays are starting to show up !
Are you happy with the arrival of spring or are you already missing winter ?



The classy shirt is on, ready to get to work, whatever it is, it will be done.
What's your current job or your future dream job ?


Paris has gone once again under full lockdown, for the third time. It is now again forbidden to buy clothes, even in supermarkets.
Nonetheless ZenDevils.com remains fully open and operational, and as you already know, all orders are shipped within 48h with a tracking number.



Underground shadow ninja warriors reaching surface for recon.
Do you see yourself as an indoor or an outdoor person ?


Looks like the french government is planning on bringing back a strict full time lockdown here again. What's your point on view on lockdowns and what's the situation in your country ?



Has anyone ever told you how you should dress and look ?
That was my case and I never stopped wanting more freedom from what I was wearing ever since.


This old drawing of mine is actually what inspired me for the Zen Devils logo !

Artist : Viriyah Edgar Karet (that's me !)
Series : Accepting solitude
Date : June 2017
Format : 25,5 x 25,5 cm
Materials : Indian ink on watercolor paper


A ray of spring sunshine between two buildings.
Would you rather live in a skyscraper mega city or in an isolated house in the middle of the forest ?


Check out the new video on Tik-Tok / Instagram and pic your fav outfit !!


If you look back, make sure it's only to see how far you've come. ⚡🐉⚡





Putting aside all the taxes, bills and paperwork and focusing on heart-warming fashion aesthetic.



2021 is just like in the darkest sci-fi movies. There's rumors of a deadly virus, a curfew and silly evil politicians.


I wish I would live a more peaceful life, in a more respectful environment. Whether it's the politics or the people around you annoying you, you still have to FIGHT to continue your path and not let your surroundings beat you down.